Secrets purchase of apartments renovated

Aug 23, 2016

Advantages and disadvantages of buying an apartment without the repair.

Very often you can find today the announcement of the sale of apartments renovated and furniture. Of course, the cost of these apartments is much higher than in those in need of repair. But is this price justified? Try to consider all the pros and cons of apartments in both versions. Thus, the main advantage of the apartment with the repair is complete willingness to stay. You should first determine the purpose of purchase: for personal residence or for subsequent lease. If the buyer plans to take an apartment, this option will be more profitable, because almost immediately after the re-registration can be settle tenants and generate revenue.

For the purposes buying an apartment

If you choose a home for his family, it is not always tastes the previous owner and your match. And in the end, you may decide that the repair should be processed. However, in any case, you will save yourself from additional costs associated with the replacement of plumbing, leveling the old walls and the like.

The presence of furniture

As for the furniture, which are included in the price of the apartment, there should assess good to think things through. Sometimes owners of such price increases apartments with used furniture that was much cheaper to buy new. In other cases, the furniture are just a nice bonus for the buyer and do not affect the cost of housing.

What you should know about apartments without repair

For apartments that need repair, then is not the only advantage is the price. Sometthan similar renovated. But first it is necessary to estimate the scope of work that will need to perform. You should also keep in mind that during the repair always have additional unforeseen costs. Fully foresee everything impossible. It often happens that the apartment is almost needs replacement. Given how much entrance and interior doors, windows, plumbing, the price of an apartment will not seem so attractive. And besides, this repair will take a lot of time.

However, in case of purchase of this apartment, you will be able to do everything on your taste and discretion. So you need to weigh all nyuanyusy and choose what suits you best. Good luck shopping!
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